care & connect

Mission Statement

Care and Connect ministries at Kernstown United Methodist Church is dedicated to keeping people safe and  connected to God and to each other.  Through fellowship, food, visiting, health ministry,  and sharing information about our lives, we believe the Holy Spirit moves throughout our congregation and community.   We are always open to creative ideas and opportunities for ways to encourage participation in this vital characteristic of Christian Discipleship.  All are welcome to join in this important work of the church.

Doris Miller, Chair

Anyone from the Congregation is welcome to attend, 

watch calendar for dates, we meet bi-monthly on the 3rd Tuesday at 10am

Meet the team!

JoAnne Carper
Maria Castro
Suzanne Conklin
Barbara Cooper
Sherry Ford
Susan & Roger Hill
Rich Lichvar
Brenda Long
Polly Look
Jim & Mary Markley
Dwight Miller
Jim & Dolly Park
Will Rodgers
Barb Sankovich
Nora Seabright
Carolyn & Bucky Sibert
Steve & Cheryl Spurr
Steve Straight
Nancy Tisinger
Margo Young